/* This program *attempts* to build the same kind of abstraction for linked lists in C as is available in Scheme and other modern Languages. */ #include /* A struct in C is like a class but there is no "public", "private" distinction. And there are no "methods". All functions in C are global and static. */ typedef struct cellstruct* cell; // cell is same as struct cellstruct* struct cellstruct { int head; // can use void* for generic type instead of int cell tail; }; // constructor (cons): cell cons(int h, cell t) { cell newcell = (cell)malloc(8); // 8=number of bytes in struct newcell->head = h; // -> in C is like . in Java newcell->tail = t; return newcell; } // accessors (car and cdr) int car(cell L) { return L->head; } cell cdr(cell L) { return L->tail; } // destructor for deallocating memory with free() void freecells(cell L) { if (L != 0) // null is just 0 in pure C { freecells(L->tail); // recursively delete tail; free(L); // delete current cell; } } /* *********** */ // length of a list: int length(cell L) { if (L==NULL) return 0; else return 1+length(cdr(L)); } // list membership (booleans are just ints in C) int member(int x, cell L) { return (L != NULL) && (x==car(L) || member(x,cdr(L))); } // returns nth cell, 0th is first. cell nth(int n, cell L) { if (n<1) return L; else return nth(n-1,cdr(L)); } // print list - ok, ok, I'll use a loop this time! void printlist(cell L) { cell i; // loop counter for(i=L; i!=NULL; i=cdr(i)) printf("%d ", car(i)); printf("\n"); } // doubleup: from 1 2 3 to 1 1 2 2 3 3 cell doubleup(cell L) { if (L==NULL) return NULL; else return cons(car(L), cons(car(L), doubleup(cdr(L)))); } // Even some higher-order functions are possible in C: cell mapfun(int (*f)(int), cell L) { if (L==NULL) return NULL; else return cons(f(car(L)),mapfun(f,cdr(L))); } int sqr(int x) { return x*x; } // for testing mapfun // reversing a list - constructive and tail recursive: cell reverse(cell L, cell ax) // ax should be initially NULL { if (L==NULL) return ax; else return reverse(cdr(L), cons(car(L),ax)); // tail recursion in C is now just GOTO with some changes to // the parameter variables. } // Now for deleteall, suddenly C breaks down: cell deleteall(int x, cell L) // delete all x's from L { if (L==NULL) return NULL; else if (x==car(L)) return deleteall(x,cdr(L)); else return cons(car(L), deleteall(x,cdr(L))); } /* Now, to change a list to the new form, we WOULD LIKE TO DO A = deleteall(x,A); // or A = reverse(A,NULL); However, doing this will create a memory leak. We might be able to do the following: cell temp = A; A = deleteall(x,A); freecells(temp); However, This would not work if parts of the A list is being shared with other elements of the program. For example, if earlier we had executed: cell B = cons(1,cdr(cdr(A))); If we had automatic memory management, then there's nothing wrong with the above line. But here, deallocating the A list will also end up deallocating the tail of B! In C it is your responsibility as programmer to make sure that this doesn't happen. YOU must carefully keep track of how all the memory cells that are being used by your program. What does this mean? Well, it means that you are stuck thinking about lists as consisting of memory cells and pointers instead of as an ABSTRACT DATA TYPE. You cannot just concentrate on the logic and algorithm of your program but must instead worry about the underlining memory structure. Ironically, one way to avoid the problem above in C is to adopt the the policy of never sharing common components between data structures. But this will end up making C LESS memory-efficient that Java/Scheme/Perl! Thus in C we cannot support the high-level abstract style of programming of Scheme (and Java, Perl for that matter) because of the lack of memory management. C is perfect for certain systems programming tasks where the whole point is to manipulate binary data at a very low level. But as a language for applications programming, higher levels of abstraction can be desirable. The String class in Java and C++ STL is another example. Why would an applications programmer want to worry about allocating bytes for a string, as one would have to do in pure C? Memory management does bring an overhead like all "layers of abstraction." 30 years ago it would have been just a theoretical pipedream, as computers were always starving for speed and memory. But improved technology can also, albeit slowly, change the way we approach programming. We now have the resources to afford this important layer of abstraction. It's not just a "convenience for lazy programmers" but rather something that frees us to adopt a different style of programming altogether. */ /* Pointers and type casting is another issue with C/C++ */ int lastint(cell L) { while (L!=NULL && L->tail!=NULL) L=L->tail; return L; } int main() { cell temp; // for deallocation. cell A = cons(1,cons(3,cons(5,cons(7,NULL)))); cell B = cons(1,cdr(cdr(A))); // B and A have something in common if (member(3,A)) printlist(A); printf("the length of B is %d\n", length(B)); printlist(mapfun(sqr,A)); // applying higher-order function temp = deleteall(3,A); freecells(A); // deallocate original list A = temp; printlist(A); // OK printlist(B); // oops! you wrote it, you deserve it. cell C = cons(2,cons(3,cons(5,NULL))); printf("last int in C is %d\n",lastint(C) * 2); exit(0); }