import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; // last updated 2/2020 public class mazebase extends JFrame implements KeyListener { /* default values: */ protected int mheight = 45; // default height and width of maze protected int mwidth = 45; protected int[][] M; // the array for the maze public static final int SOUTH = 0; public static final int EAST = 1; public static final int NORTH = 2; public static final int WEST = 3; protected boolean showvalue = false; // affects drawblock protected boolean autodelay = true; // delays automatically between drawdot protected boolean usegif = false; // graphical properties: protected static int bh = 24; // height of a graphical block protected static int bw = 24; // width of a graphical block protected int ah, aw; // height and width of graphical maze protected int yoff = 42; // init y-cord of maze protected Image screen1; protected Image screen2; protected Graphics g; // draw to screen1 protected Graphics g2; // draw to screen2 protected Graphics dg; // draw to actual display protected int dtime = 30; // ms delay time (for autodelay) protected Color wallcolor =; protected Color pathcolor =; protected Color dotcolor =; protected Color pencolor = Color.yellow; protected Image animatedgif; protected String gifname = "miner.gif"; // constructor, args determine block size, maze height, and maze width public mazebase(int bh0, int mh0, int mw0) { bh = bw = bh0; mheight = mh0; mwidth = mw0; ah = bh*mheight; aw = bw*mwidth; M = new int[mheight][mwidth]; // initialize maze (all 0's - walls). this.setBounds(0,0,aw+10,10+ah+yoff); this.setVisible(true); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.addKeyListener(this); try{Thread.sleep(500);} catch(Exception e) {} // Synch with system screen1 = createImage(aw+10,10+ah+yoff); screen2 = createImage(aw+10,10+ah+yoff); g = screen1.getGraphics(); g2 = screen2.getGraphics(); dg = getGraphics(); //g.setColor(; setup(); } // utility to load animated gif, called from setup after customize() protected void loadgif(String filename) { try { animatedgif = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(filename); prepareImage(animatedgif,this); Thread.sleep(100); // Synch with system } catch(Exception e) {animatedgif=null; usegif=false;} }//loadgif public void paint(Graphics g) {} // override automatic repaint public void setup() { customize(); // optional startupcode g.setColor(wallcolor); g.fill3DRect(0,yoff,aw,ah,true); // fill raised rectangle g.setColor(pathcolor); try { g.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,bh*3/4)); // might not work } catch(Exception gfe) {} customize(); // optional startupcode /*if (usegif)*/ loadgif(gifname); // placed here so user can define gif usage // showStatus("Generating maze..."); //digout(mheight-2,mwidth-2); // start digging! (lab 2) digout(0,0); // for dragon game // draw to screen clear(); refresh(); /* // digout exit square (if digout complete, works for odd dimensions) if (M[mheight-2][mwidth-2]!=0) { //M[mheight-1][mwidth-2] = M[mheight-2][mwidth-1] = 1; drawblock(mheight-2,mwidth-1); } */ solve(); // this is the function you will write for lab 3, part 1 trace(); // for part 2 play(); // for part 3 } public void clear() { g2.drawImage(screen1,0,0,this); //draw to screen2 } public void refresh() { dg.drawImage(screen2,0,0,this); } public void delay(int ms) { try {Thread.sleep(ms);} catch(Exception e) {} } public void drawblock(int y, int x) { g.setColor(pathcolor); g.fillRect(x*bw,yoff+(y*bh),bw,bh); g.setColor(pencolor); // following line displays value of M[y][x] in the graphical maze: if (showvalue) g.drawString(""+M[y][x],(x*bw)+(bw/2-4),yoff+(y*bh)+(bh/2+6)); } public void drawdot(int y, int x) { if (usegif && animatedgif!=null) { g.drawImage(animatedgif,x*bw,yoff+(y*bh),bw,bh,null); } else { g.setColor(dotcolor); g.fillOval(x*bw,yoff+(y*bh),bw,bh); } if (autodelay) try{Thread.sleep(dtime);} catch(Exception e) {} } public void drawdot(Graphics g, int y, int x) { if (usegif && animatedgif!=null) { g.drawImage(animatedgif,x*bw,yoff+(y*bh),bw,bh,null); } else { g.setColor(dotcolor); g.fillOval(x*bw,yoff+(y*bh),bw,bh); } if (autodelay) try{Thread.sleep(dtime);} catch(Exception e) {} } public void drawgif(int y, int x) { drawdot(y,x); } //alias public void drawgif(Graphics g, Image gif, int y, int x) { g.drawImage(gif,x*bw,yoff+(y*bh),bw,bh,null); } public void drawMessage(String m) { g.setColor(wallcolor); g.fillRect(0,yoff,bw*mwidth,bh); g.setColor(pencolor); // erase line g.drawString(m,10,yoff+bh-4); } ////// the following functions are to be overriden in subclass: public void customize() // user-defined initialization code {} // this is called before digout /* function to generate random maze */ public void digout(int y, int x) // override for lab 2 (maze generation) { // generates maze - code in subclass } // digout /* Write a routine to solve the maze. Start at coordinates x=1, y=1, and stop at coordinates x=mwidth-1, y=mheight-2. This coordinate was especially dug out after the program called your digout function (in the "actionPerformed" method). */ public void solve() // override for lab 3 part 1 { int x=1, y=1; // drawdot(y,x); // drawblock(y,x) will erase the dot // modify this function to move the dot to the end of the maze. That // is, when the dot reaches y==mheight-2, x==mwidth-2 } // solve public void trace() // override for lab 3 part 2, { // draw a dot (without erasing it) along the OPTIMAL path } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// For part three (save a copy of part 2 version first!), you // need to implement the KeyListener interface. public void play() // override for lab 3, final part { // code to setup game } // for this part you may also define some other instance vars outside of // the play function. // skeleton implementation of KeyListener interface public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {} public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {} public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) // override for key event handling { int key = e.getKeyCode(); // code for key pressed System.out.println("YOU JUST PRESSED KEY "+key); } // main: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String subclass = "mazedragon"; int n = args.length; if (n==1 || n==4) subclass = args[0]; int blocksize = bh, mh = 45, mw = 45; // width/height need to be odd if (n==4 || n==3) { mh=Integer.parseInt(args[n-3]); mw=Integer.parseInt(args[n-2]); blocksize=Integer.parseInt(args[n-1]); } Constructor mcons = Class.forName(subclass).getConstructor(int.class,int.class,int.class); /*mazebase W =(mazebase)*/mcons.newInstance(blocksize,mh,mw); // mazebase W = new mymazecode(blocksize,mh,mw); }//main } // mazebase