import*; class student { private String name; private String id; // hofstra id number private char grade; public String name() { return name; } public char grade() { return grade; } public student(String n, String i, char g) { name=n; id = i; grade = g; } public void setgrade(char newgrade) { grade=newgrade; } public double gradepoint() { if (grade=='F') return 0; else return 4.0-((int)grade-65); } public void writeXML(PrintWriter pw ) throws Exception { pw.println(""); pw.println(" "+id+""); pw.print(" "); if (grade=='N') pw.print("no grade"); else pw.print(grade); pw.println(""); pw.println(""); } } // student class csc15 // ha ha { private student[] roster; private int size; // the size is not necessarily the size of the class. public csc15() { roster = new student[25]; // 25 is max enrollment size = 0; } // add a student public void addstudent(String name, String id, char g) throws Exception { if (size>= roster.length) throw new Exception("class full"); student stu = new student(name,id,g); roster[size] = stu; size++; } // lookup the grade for a student: public char gradefor(String name) throws Exception { char answer = 'E'; // 'E' indicates no grade. int i = 0; while(i"); pw.println("\n"); for(i=0;i"); } } // csc15 class public class nov19 { public static void main(String[] args) { csc15 section1 = new csc15(); csc15 section2 = new csc15(); try { section1.addstudent("bilbo","700000000",'A'); section1.addstudent("frodo","700000001",'B'); section1.addstudent("gandolf","700000002",'A'); System.out.println("frodo have grade "+section1.gradefor("frodo")); section1.havegrade('A'); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("section1.roster"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); section1.writeXML(pw); pw.close(); } catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);} } // main }