CSC15 Final Exam Study Guide - Sample Solutions 1. Write a function to reverse a string (non-destructively). For example, reverse("abcd") should return "dcba" def reverse(S): R = "" # string to be constructed i = 0 while i A[i+1]: answer = False i +=1 return answer #sorted. 4. Write a function 'substringcount' that counts the number of times the substring A occurs in the string B. For example, substringcount("aba","aababa") should return 2, since two subtrings, both equal to "aba", are found in the second list. Note that the substrings can overlap. Note: there is the following built-in operation that finds substrings: s.find(sub): Returns the lowest index in s where substring sub is found. Returns -1 if sub is not found. But you'll have to decide to use it or write your function from scratch. # first version: def subcount(A,B): j = 0 # indexes B count = 0 # counts substrings while j=2*fare): amt = amt + (amt*bonus) self.balance = amt # set initial balance # alternatively: # self.balance = 0 # self.refill(amt) # see code below # init def refill(self,amt): if (amt>=2*fare): amt = amt + (amt*bonus) self.balance += amt # refill def swipe(self): if self.balance>=fare: self.balance -= fare; print "have a nice trip" else: print "insufficient balance" #swipe def ridesleft(self): return int(self.balance/fare) # def transfer(self,other): other.balance += self.balance self.balance = 0 # def __cmp__(self,other): a,b = self.balance,other.balance if a==b: return 0 if ab : return 1 # note: if a and b were both integers, it would suffice to say # return a-b #metrocard ### Your class must support the following code: mycard = metrocard(10) # new metro card with $11.10 balance created mycard.refill(20) # add $22.20 to balance mycard.swipe() # subtract fare from balance # print message if insufficient funds print mycard.ridesleft() # calculate number of rides this card still has left # as an integer mycard.transfer(othercard) # mycard and othercard are both metrocard objects. # the balance of mycard should be transferred # to othercard. print mycard < othercard # prints true since othercard has higher balance 6. Write a class to represent a PC: Each PC has the following attributes: 1. cpu model , e.g (intel core2 dou) 2. cpu clock speed in ghz (e.g 2.4) 3. ram: amount of memory in megabytes, 1gig = 1024 megs 4. drivespace: amount of hard disk space in gigabytes. 5. videocard: e.g "nvidia 8600xt" You may also change these to be more specific, like "numberofcores" and speparate "videomake" and "videomodel". Write a class to represent a PC with the the above attributes. Write at least the following methods: upgrade : increase ram and hard drive space overclock : increase cpu clock speed and start a fire changevideo : replace old video card with a new one betterthan : compares "self" pc with another pc and determines which one is better (faster cpu, more memory, maybe better video card, etc ...) Set your own criteria. Write code that creates PC objects and call the methods you've defined. class PC: def __init__(self,cpu,speed,ram,disk,gpu): self.cpu = cpu self.cpuclock = speed self.ram = ram self.diskspace = disk = gpu # init def upgrade(self,r,h): self.ram += r self.diskspace += h def overclock(self,factor): self.cpuclock += self.cpuclock * factor def changevideo(self,newgpu): = newgpu def betterthan(self,otherpc): if self.cpuclock > otherpc.cpuclock and self.ram > otherpc.ram: return True else: return False #PC mypc = PC("core2 quad",2.4,4096,1000,"nvidia 8600GT") yourpc = PC("pentium 4",1.0, 256, 20, "ati radeon") yourpc.upgrade(128,20) % add 128 megs and 20 gigs mypc.overclock(0.25) # overclock by 25% mypc.changevideo("nvidia 8800GTx") if mypc.betterthan(yourpc): print "my pc is better than your pc" ---- 7. # Determine the output of the following program fragments and explain why. # i A = [2,4,6] def f(B): B = [1,3,5] # f f(A) print A prints [2,4,6]. Nothing was changed, B is a local variable (which is a pointer). # ii. Draw a memory-allocation diagram at the point indicated. x = 0 A = [2,4,6] def f(B,x): x = x+1 B[1] = x B = [7,8,9] # draw stack-heap allocation diagram for this point #f f(A,x) print x, A[1] prints 0, 1 # change to B[1] was made before B was reassigned. # Memory allocation diagrams must be clear as to what delineates stack frames, # the content of each stack frame. And for pointers, where they point to. #iii class AA: def __init__(t,x): t.x = x t.y = 0 # init def f(self,a): self.y = a + self.x # f def g(s,B): if s.x+s.y > B.x+B.y: return True else: return False #g #AA A = AA(3) B = AA(4) A.f(3) if A.g(B): print "yes" # prints yes print A.y, B.y # prints 6,0 #iv k = 0 while k < 4: j = ord("A")+k # ord("A") is 65 while j <= ord("D"): # ord("D") is 68 print chr(j), # note , (no new line) j +=1 # while j k += 1 print "" # prints new line # while k output: A B C D B C D C D D #v def f(x): if x<2: return x else: return f(x-1) + x #f print f(6) prints 21 (1+2+3+4+5+6) 8. Determine the output of the following code: def f(A,x): A[0] += 1 x += 1 # a = [2,3,5,7] x = 2 f(a,x) print a[0],x ## answer: prints 3,2 A[0] has been changed because the A and a points to the same array, but x inside f is a local only change. 9. Write a function to determine if two permutations are inverses of eachother. Each permutation is an array of size n that contains the numbers 0 to n-1. Two permuatation arrays P and Q are inverses if P[Q[x]] = x. For example, inverses([2,0,1],[1,2,0]) should return True. You may assume that P and Q are both valid permutations def inverses(P,Q): if len(P) != len(Q): return False answer = True i = 0 while i