CSC 17 Lab 2 Download my implementation from the class homepage. Make sure the programs you write are in the same directory. You are going to add a few more operations to the LinkedList class. However, instead of editing the existing code, you're going to use inheritance: that is, you are going to write a class that EXTENDS my LinkedList class. Start with the following skeleton: public class CList> extends LinkedList { public CList() { super(); } // subclass constructor // sample method to insert a value in sorted order public void orderInsert(T x) { size++; if (size==1) {first=last = new node(x); return; } if (x.compareTo(first.item)<=0) // push in front { first = new node(x,first); return; } node current = first; // find node before insertion point: while (current!=last && x.compareTo(>=0); = new node(x,; if (current==last) last =; } // ... add other methods here }//CList - Linked List of comparable elements. Extending a class essentially imports code already written. Moreover, an instance of CList is still a LinkedList. All non-private components of the superclass are still visible in the subclass - there is no need to re-declare them. This is why I prefer "protected" to "private". Private components of the superclass are not visible in the subclass (they still exist, but are hidden). There is no need at all to rewrite operations such as push/pop, etc because they're inherited. We can override a method by redefining it in the subclass but in this assignment there's no need to do so. Instead, we're going to add some new methods in the subclass. Another important difference between this subclass and the superclass is that the generic type variable T can only be instantiated by "comparable" values, that is, values such as numbers that can be ordered (sorted). From Lab1b you already saw how two strings s and t can be compared using s.compareTo(b), which returns 0 if s and t are "equal", a negative integer if s is "less" than t and a positive value if s is "greater" than t. This is because the string class implements a built-in interface: interface Comparable // part of Java API (don't redefine) { int compareTo(T x); } class String implements Comparable ... We want to be able to write, for example, a procedure that finds the "smallest" value in the list, but what does "smallest" mean? That is defined by the compareTo implementation of each class: it means different things for different types. For example, for your "team" class from lab1b, if "smallest" means having the lowest winning percentage, you should define your class as follows: class team implements Playable, Comparable { public int compareTo(team B) { double a = this.winningPercentage(); double b = B.winningPercentage(); if (a, and all methods you write for CList (and for LinkedList) can be called on such a list. ---- Besure to put the public class in a file Add to the CList class the following methods: 0. main to demonstrate each of the following methods... 1. public int count(T x) // returns the number of times x is found as an item in the list. Use a.equals(b) to compare if two objects are "equal" (note: a.equals(b) returns a boolean, a.compareTo(b) returns an int, and a.compareTo(b)==0 does not necessarily mean the same as a.equals(b)) 2. public void cut() : // this function should do the following: **** hint: this is one of the harder problems because it requires deleting from the list. say your list contains items 2,4,1,4,2,7,2,3,8 calling cut() will change this list to 2 3 8. That is , you want to cut out all the elements between first.item and the *last* occurrence of the same number in the list. If the first.item is not repeated, then the function should have no effect. This function is not implemented in the ArrayList class of java, but we will need it in one of our labs. 3. public CList clone() : // this should return a full clone (copy) of the list being invoked on. Changing the clone would not change the original. You have to clone not just first, last and size, but also recreate every node in the list. 4. public CList weakclone() : // this should return another instance of the list with the same size and elements, but without duplicating cells (first/last can point to existing cells). This will give us better efficiency in certain situations. For example, a list containing 1 4 5 6 and another one containing 2 4 5 6 can share the same "tail": (4 5 6). This kind of structure is not possible using Java's built-in classes, which is why sometimes we need to use our own linked lists. Of course, you will have to be aware that adding to the end of one list will also change the other list (but not adding to the front. Why?) This function is also not available in ArrayList, and again illustrates why you may have to define your own lists. 5. Write a function to reverse a list. This can be done in one of two (or both) ways: 5a. constructively: do not change the original list; create a new list instead. public CList reverse() A harder problem is to reverse the list in place - that is, "destructively", by reversing the direction of each next pointer. first and last would also need to be swapped. This problem is considered a challenge. public void reverse() 6. Write a function to find the smallest item in the list, as determined by the compareTo function of type T. If the list is empty, you can either throw a RuntimeException, or return null. public T min() 7. Use the orderInsert method to devise a sorting algorithm for CList linked lists. It's easier to write this constructively (create a new, sorted list without changing the original list). public CList sort()